


continuing my theme of identity construction via media consumption, i’ve also spent the last couple of years building up a pretty impressive subscription list of podcasts.

i subscribe to over one hundred at this point, but the nice thing about subscribing to so many is that you’ll always have something you at least kind-of want to listen to, even if none of your favorites have new episodes.

also – the really great thing about podcasts is that you can use them to drown out your thoughts every moment of the day that you’d otherwise be stuck alone with them 🙉

search for these in your podcast client – the patreon subscription ones won’t show up though, obviously. btw, the mediafire links are maintained by me – please don’t share them! or at least mirror them yourself first.

name desc
radio war nerd john dolan (aka gary brecher) & mark ames, old exile crew guys, talk about war, history, current events, and john’s tour of e. euro hovels (free downloads here)
cum town the only podcast i regularly crack up at – easily the funniest thing being produced right now, imo (bonus ep dl’s)
chapo trap house rounding out the big three twitter podcasts – a couple of ex-lfs who make incel jokes, basically. it’s alright
sean’s russia blog russian history and current events – really solid interviews by an academic
zero squared douglas lain from zero books – plenty of esoteric leftist shit but sometimes it’s good, just go on the ep description
sword & scale obnoxiously melodramatic narrator sometimes, but probably the best true crime podcast
99% invisible the topic is the world of design, but it’s usually just interesting 20th c history; this guy runs a podcast network with a few other good shows, the memory palace is good if you like this one
war college reuters-run, hosted by the guy who does war is boring – US military & global conflict topics
future strategist future-oriented science that does some ‘third rail’ topics like intelligence & genetics. infrequent updates :(
risky business infosec industry news, weekly updates on breaches and vulns
waking up sam harris’ podcast. dont click if u muslim
crimetown slightly over-produced series about providence RI organized crime in the 70s. it’s a little cute sometimes but it’s fun listening
jordan peterson podcast peterson is a psychology professor at uni of toronto who’s made waves in the last year. his lectures are really superb, typically tying psychology to ethics, morality, history, and philosophy – i recommend starting here for the if you’re unfamiliar

i didn’t bother listing the npr shows, they’re out there if you like them though. i’m partial to radiolab and open source.

good blogs


since i severed from social media in ~2014, i’ve switched to a more passive mode of internet use. specifically, i mostly read blogs now – a few i’ve found, i’ve already passed around to friends, but i’d like to create a linkable list for posterity.

blog desc
slate star codex popular blog written by a psychiatrist, part of the ‘rationalist’ blogger diaspora (samples 1, 2)
melting asphalt another guy loosely in the rationalist scene, interesting to me for his ideas about hidden rules of human social behavior (1, 2)
ribbonfarm venkatesh rao’s “unusual takes on familiar themes” – famously, the gervais principle
three pound brain scifi author r scott bakker – philosophy and posthumanism (1, 2)
underground tradecraft infosec, opsec, hacking, etc
outside in / urban future nick land’s blogs
the bored jihadi jihadi culture
bldgblog alternative perspectives on architecture
meaningness / vividness david chapman’s writings – philosophy, ethics, culture, buddhism without being gay (1, 2)
overcoming bias robin hanson’s blog – author of the age of em, multifield expert at future of humanity institute @ oxford
marginal revolution economics blog, high volume but high quality
southern nights sc hickman’s blog, philosophy
west hunter greg cochran, genetic anthropologist

those are my favorites, but there are dozens more. i use feedly to manage them – thank god for rss.